SUVs: Voicing the American Story
Whether it’s tailgating at the local football game, or taking off into the wide blue yonder, the SUV is the family vehicle of Americans. Steeped in his working class roots and proud of his heartland heritage, Rob Reed’s voiceover readings shift effortlessly from the laid back, family oriented voice encouraging trust and reliability, to the bold outdoor adventurer looking to break new ground and conquer new territory.
With a resonant, commanding voice that will convince you he’s ready to take over the world, whatever your SUV, Rob has the adaptability to make that emotional connection to your automotive consumer.
A Relatable Voice to Reach Your Automotive Market
The story of the American family has been carved across the country in the tire treads of the family sedan. Family vacations, picnics, sports games, travel and adventure were all driven by the sedan or the station wagon. It’s intertwined with the spine of this country. It’s about embracing this huge landmass and doing it in the spirit of togetherness. Rob Reed brings into play his rich, deep timbre to his voiceovers conveying that sense of wide open roads, endless adventures and time spent with family and friends. The SUV (Sports Utility Vehicle) has driven away with that role in the last seven years and it’s still accelerating. Rob’s voice is a visceral link to SUV buyers.
Projecting your message with authority
In a crowded automotive market, Rob Reed’s distinctive voice can make your SUV be heard. The SUV market is extremely competitive and you’re asking your consumer to make a large financial decision. It takes a heightened level of trust and confidence for your customer to choose you over your competitor. Psychologists have found that lower pitched voices, deeper tones, lend authority to the speaker and immediately leave the impression of specialist authority. In short, they make it easier for your customer to be open to trusting your message. Let Rob Reed’s voiceovers persuade your potential customer to be receptive to your message.
A Powerful Versatile Read
Typically rugged and boxy in design, the SUV embodies the idea of wide open spaces and adventure to its consumer. Alongside adventure and nostalgia about a pioneering spirit of old, the SUV represents notions of family and togetherness, good times and happiness, that we are better together than alone. To convey that message powerfully, you need a voice that can appeal to a variety of target markets. An articulate reader with no discernible accent, Rob Reed has the versatility to make that happen.
Rob’s deep, rich bass speaks to the man himself. Rob believes in integrity and honesty, he admires a straight shooter and holds himself to that high standard. Life has taught Rob to embrace it with open arms, to throw himself unhindered into the daily adventure and boldly venture forth ready to embrace all the world throws his way. He brings that spirit to his work, and adds to it an iron clad determination to always deliver the best work to his customer. With quick turnarounds and a focus on service, Rob commits himself to delivering your voiceover needs.
A Voice for the evolving SUVs and Crossing Over Automotive Markets
Like so many automotive markets, the SUV is also evolving. With a typically wagon style, unibody construction the SUV is known for its dominant off-road capability. Wherever you want to go, this is the vehicle to get you there. Rob’s rich commanding tone resonates with the adventurer in everyone.
With its car-like handling, sleeker, sexier lines, parking lot cred, and greater fuel efficiency, the crossover is another growing market. Offering sedan drivers greater utility and more space, while luring SUV and truck drivers with affordability and efficiency, the cross over lends itself to a more suave, sophisticated vocalization. With a growing body of work across all automotive industries, Rob can fit his talent to your vehicle.
Rob Reed’s Voice Delivers Competitive Automotive Advantage
In an automotive market where the entrants stand shoulder to shoulder in terms of design, capability and features, it takes something extra to stand out from the crowd. Rob Reed would love to help you craft that competitive advantage with his voiceovers.