Rob Reed – Commercial
You want to sell your product. But you don’t want to make just any commercial. You want a commercial that’s going to grab the audience’s attention, be memorable, and motivate the consumer to buy. How do you make all of that happen? With powerful voice over.
What makes a great ad?
The successful commercial has a lot of components: striking visuals, a clear and simple message, background music – and, of course – voice over!
Choosing the right voice for your commercial is critical. The sound of the voice communicates much more than just words. The tone, the timbre, and the way the words are delivered are just some of the characteristics that help to create an atmosphere, and a mood. Different qualities signal different meanings to an audience, and guide their reactions.
For instance, you hear a dark, foreboding voice laughing maniacally and telling you that you can be anything you want to be – for your Halloween costume. You instantly laugh as the tension you were feeling melts away! This is the power of voice over.
Sutton Rv
Chevrolet Colorado
Buzzard Billy's
Chukchansi Gold Resort and Casino
Federal Premium
Harbor Freight
Mercury Marine Outboards
Waldorf Dodge Ram
Exile Brewing
Strong, professional voice over that your audience will trust and follow
To be convincing, commercials need an authoritative voice that will carry the message clear and strong. This voice needs to be steady, and straight-forward to instill confidence and trust in the listeners. A nervous voice actor will make an audience nervous. That’s why you need an experienced, professional voice actor to deliver your commercial lines with ease and skill.
Not only do listeners and viewers need to trust the voice they’re hearing, they also need to be sold on the product. A big part of this comes from the quality of the voice work too. An effective voice talent will emphasize the most important words, concepts and phrases that your audience needs to remember – these are the most compelling reasons for them to go buy your product, or call your business.
My take on the styles that work
To capture that trustworthy and convincing persona, I use several different strategies, and I tailor my approach to best suit each line individually, and each commercial as a whole. For an exciting auto ad that’s meant to move an audience, I take on a deep, gritty sound that captures a sense of adventure. For the friendly neighborhood hardware store, I strike a lighter and more uplifting tone that the audience will find relatable. And for the dramatic gum commercial, I give a seductive, punctuated delivery.
If you’re in need of a deep, booming voice to get your audience’s attention, or a tough but honest style to appeal to your listeners, you’ve got the right guy. If you need an edgy, even mysterious or playful voice to captivate your audience, you’ve got the right guy. And if you need a mature, no-nonsense, or even fatherly tone, you’ve got the right guy.
Sometimes it just comes down to how you make the audience feel
When your commercial is over, a viewer or listener may walk away not remembering any of the details, but just holding on to the feeling it gave them. That feeling could be one of nostalgia for a high school social, or a renewed resolve to get those home repairs done. Whatever the emotion, our feelings do drive our actions. Your commercial may just achieve the desired effect because of this overall feeling, as opposed to any single element.
Guess what – you’re in luck! Voice actors specialize in stirring up emotion in an audience, and controlling how that emotional response unfolds. That means your commercial will be carefully and professionally crafted to achieve your goals.
Today’s world is full of distractions
These days, companies have to compete not only with other companies, but with a world of distractions for consumers’ attention to their commercials. Phones, computers, TV screens, etc. are constantly threatening to steal your audience away. Often, viewers of TV ads aren’t actually viewing – their eyes are on another screen and they are only listening.
This is why voice over is even more important today than ever before. Without the visual dimension of commercials, the sound is the only means by which to deliver your message. Professional voice over is the perfect answer to this present-day problem, ensuring that listeners get the full experience of the commerical from only the set of vocal cues, intonations, pitches, and other choices deliberately made by the voice actor.
I’m ready to be that voice actor, who can successfully grab your audience’s attention above all else. I can help you make your ad stand out, and be remembered. And I can help motivate and inspire that audience to take action after listening to your ad.
With my experience, I understand the goals of commercial voice over, and the strategic ways to go about achieving those goals.
Let’s work together.